Prayer at Work

Event Details

This event finished on 29 November 2022


[labourer, shepherd, forester, grounds man, bar man, warden, bin man, cleaner, student, research associate, engineer, manager, volunteer, coach, youth worker, team leader, parent]

God has given us work to do and it is good, yet in a fallen world there are challenges! In my working life I have had these jobs and I’m sure there are yet more to come. God in his trinity relationship is all about sustain and creating the new, the joyful, the good. A prayerful attitude to our work is how we join in with this. In 5 sessions, working through the Lord’s Prayer, we will explore how we, as followers of Jesus, become more and more entwined in the creative efforts of God. 

Starting Tuesday 1st of November for 5 weeks. Register at

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