Family Ministry

Family Ministry

Glasgow Vineyard Family Ministry

Glasgow Vineyard's Family Ministry believes in the power of the family unit. We honour parents in their calling to disciple their children as they grow up in faith.

All-Age-Services and Fellowship Lunches

Termly All-Age-Services create space for families to worship and hear God's word together in an entertaining and faith-boosting setting. Fellowship Lunches after every All-Age-Service create space for everyone to connect and meet as a wider church family.

Family Friendly Groups and Gatherings

Families of all shapes and sizes are at the heart of many of our Small Groups. Small Groups are great places to connect with the wider church family. They are great places to get love and prayer support.

We also have groups with a specific focus on families. These groups aim to create space for families to connect & encourage one another as they raise up children to be bringers of God's Kingdom. These groups include:

    • Macs & Pratts Small Group - an online Small Group with a specific focus on families and the needs of families with young children.
    • Parent & Toddler group - a meeting space for parents with 'Toddlers' and a chance to connect with other parents of similarly aged children. - details tbc.
    • Parenting and Family Life Courses - We live in a complex world and family life is full of challenges, at whatever stage. It is good to gather, be challenged and inspired, learn together and from each other, in a safe environment. We run Parenting and Family Life courses, from time to time, in response to the needs of our families.


Teeny Finlay  co-ordinates our Family Ministry. Please get in touch with her if you'd like to find out more or if  you have any questions.