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Ephesians 4 - Fivefold Ministry - Part 1 - Anthony Hilder - 28 Apr 24

In the first of two talks, Anthony looks at Ephesians 4 and in particular the Fivefold Ministry. In this part, Anthony answers the question 'What are the Five Fold Ministry roles and what do the do?' Anthony explains that the Fivefold roles serve the church and prepare it to do the ministry of Christ. He explains that the roles are not the same as the gifts and that they are functions not identities. Each of the roles is needed in the church today and to miss one or more of them out will leave the church missing out on vital component of the ministry of Christ. Each role brings something that the church and the world needs and together they enable the church to minister as Jesus did.

Ephesians 3 - Jamie Watters - 21 Apr 24

In this third in our series on Paul's letter to the church in Ephesus, Jamie explores Ephesians chapter 3. Last week we looked at how we are seated in the heavenly places with Christ. This week we look at how being seated with Christ is the starting point for lives that are empowered by God to live out His call for the church to reveal God's wisdom to the world. As church we are called to 'make known the manifold wisdom of God', not just to the world, but also to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places Eph 3:10. We can only do that if we are living lives fully connected to Christ and experiencing Him and His power. The church in the West has lost so much ground to Satan and his lies and deceptions by being asleep and complacent. It is only as we put aside our differences and learn to embrace all that God has for us that we can be the influence for change and transformation that God intends us to be.

Ephesians - Made Worthy, Walk Worthy - Jamie Watters - 14 Apr 24

In this second in our series on Paul's letter to the church in Ephesus, Jamie explores Ephesians chapter 2. Without Christ we are separated from God, prey to the forces of evil and without hope. With Christ, we are not only given hope of an eternity with God, but more importantly seated now in the heavenly places with Him. So often we thing as heaven as somewhere we go when we die, but the Bible talks of the heavenly places as present reality. Paul realised that knowing that we are already seated with Christ was the essential starting point for a life lived in the daily reality of Christ's victory over the enemy and the authority He has given us. Only when we have learned to 'Sit' in Jesus' presence and learn from Him can we then 'Walk' in the victory and use the authority He has given us. 'Sitting' enables us to 'Stand' against the attacks of the enemy's attacks that come as we 'Walk' and to defeat his plans.

Ephesians - In Christ - The Church - Andrew Beveridge - 7 Apr 24

In this first in our new series looking at the book of Ephesians, Andy provides an overview of Paul's letter to the church focussing on chapter 1. Andy focusses on two key messages in chapter 1. Firstly, our position before God has been changed by what Christ has done and how God has given us His Holy Spirit as a mark of our new position. Secondly, that what Christ has done gives us access to the transforming power that raised Christ from the dead that brings about not transformation in the future but also transformation in the present.

Adventurously Expectant- Jamie Watters - 24 Mar 24

In this talk Jamie encourages us to live 'Adventurously Expectant' lives. Exploring Jesus' 'I am the vine, you are the branches' teaching in John 15, Jamie reminds us that in order to have fruitful lives we need to 'abide' in Christ, stay connected to the vine.  When we are connected to the vine we will pray - expecting to hear Him, read the Bible - expecting to meet Him, focus of Christ - expecting to feel Him, and spend time with other followers of Jesus - expecting to experience the Kingdom. Jamie identifies three essential things that will enable us to stay connected: 1. Do what Jesus says! 2. Love like Jesus loves! and 3. Learn to live as a friend of God!

Living a life of significance - Jamie Watters - 17 Mar 24

In this talk, Jamie, looks at 'Living a Life of Significance'. In this talk Jamie ask if the church is willing to to follow God's agenda, or have we settled for setting our own goals?  The world tells us that, as individuals, our lives should be successful. That we should aspire to to be successful, to reach heights of attainment and achieve financial, career and family goals. Yet God calls us to live lives for Him, lives for the kingdom and lives of significance.  Jamie looks at the life of Barnabas and how his willingness to serve others and put God's call first in his life was instrumental is shaping the ministry of Paul the apostle.  Barnabas sacrificed his own wealth, his own goals to follow God's agenda. He used what God had given him to bless and encourage those around him.

Sacred Spaces - Anthony Hilder - 10 Mar 24

In this talk Anthony discusses Sacred Spaces. He answers three questions. What is a sacred space? Why do they matter? and What do they mean for us? He describes how Sacred Spaces are found throughout the Bible and that they each have four stages - 1. Revelation - God reveals so we can respond. 2. Collaboration - God Initiates so we can engage. 3. Interaction - God inhabits, so we can encounter. 4. God shapes, so we can be sent. The purpose of Sacred Spaces is to prepare His people for being His change agents - carrying God's presence and imprint wherever we go and to whoever we meet.

God's Not Finished with you Yet - Jamie Watters - 3 Mar

In this talk Jamie looks at the story of Lazarus in John 11 to show us that God has not finished with you yet. Just as Jesus called Lazarus out of the tomb by name, He is calling us by name - to overcome disappointment at unanswered prayers, to overcome weariness and fatigue, to overcome a sense of failure or lost passion for the kingdom. God has not finished with you yet. He calls us to align our lifestyles with His word and to start doing the things of the Kingdom, by getting up close and personal with Him.

Restore in 2024 - Joy - Jamie Watters - 25 Feb 24

In this next in our series Restore in 2024, Jamie continues in the Book of Nehemiah and looks at the subject of Joy. We are bombarded by adverts enticing us to buy joy in the shape of products that claim to make us happy, but ultimately leave us disappointed. Joy is something that is beyond temporary happiness. Being joyful is a choice, a choice to choose God over our circumstances and to trust in His unfailing love and goodness. When we learn to trust in God's plan to the extent that we are joyful, even in the darkest times, we are ready to experience life in a new dimension of intimacy with the Father.

There are no sermon uploads for February 11th or 18th

Restore in 2024 - Defeating Distraction - Jamie Watters - 4 Feb 24

Continuing our series 'Restore in 2024' based on a study of the book of Nehemiah, Jamie looks at defeating distraction.  If we are to achieve the amazing best plans that God has for our lives, we need to stay focussed on Him and on the tasks He has set for us. If he can't stop us by discouragement, our enemy's next tactic is distraction. Getting distracted, taking our eyes of the ball, taking on tasks that we aren't meant to do, prioritising things that don't give life; all get in the way of us becoming the people God has called us to be and doing the things he has called us to do. Like Nehemiah, we need to learn to say no. No, to the things that will stop us doing what God has called us to. No, to the good sounding opportunities that haven't come from God. No to being self-indulgent. Are we willing to say Yes to God and No to the distractions that get in the way of our yes being truly Yes?

Restore in 2024 - Defeating Discourgagment - Jamie Watters - 28 Jan 24

Continuing our series 'Restore in 2024' based on a study of the book of Nehemiah, Jamie looks at defeating discouragement. Attempt anything for God and we will face discouragement. Satan and his forces do not want God's plans and those He uses to achieve them to succeed. Like Nehemiah, we will face discouragement from outside, firstly from forces outside our control, storms of life, illness and sickness, unexpected events all designed to try and get us to quit. Backing these up will be criticism and ridicule, trying to undermine our confidence and resolve. We will also face discouragement from within as those who are close to us get discouraged or start to doubt. Even Jesus faced opposition from His family who thought He was mad and causing a scene. In our response we need first to turn to God in prayer and to press into what God has called us to. Remember, God is great and awesome and has already defeated our enemy, then stand up and fight, not for ourselves, but our cause.

Restore in 2024 - Planning - Jamie Watters - 21 Jan 24

We sense that 2024 is a year of restoration - rebuilding the walls that are broken down - rebuilding the church and transforming the communities in which we serve.  In this talk Jamie looks at how Nehemiah addresses the problems he found when he get to Jerusalem. Having started with prayer, Nehemiah turns next to planning. If we want to see restoration in the church and in the life of the city, we must start with prayer, but we must next make careful plans. Our plans must start with a careful and realistic assessment of the current situation; what is broken and what needs fixing. Next we need to know what we are wanting to achieve, where we are wanting to go. Then we need to determine how we are going to get there. Nehemiah had to undertake all these steps before he started any practical work. he took no short cuts, nor did he expect God to do it all for him.

2024 - Happy New Year - Jamie Watters - 14 Jan 24

In this our first service of 2024, Jamie starts a series on the story of Nehemiah. We sense that 2024 is a year of restoration - rebuilding the walls that are broken down - rebuilding the church and transforming the communities in which we serve.  In this talk Jamie looks at Nehemiah's response to learning that the walls of Jerusalem have been torn down leaving the city vulnerable to attack and its people in danger. Nehemiah turns to God in prayer - Jamie reminds us that when we face troubles and difficulties, we should follow Nehemiah's example - not with a shopping list of requests that focuses on the problems, making them appear bigger. But rather, starting with Adoration - praising and worshipping God - Confessing the wrongs we have done, our bad attitudes and thoughts - Thanking God for all His goodness and mercy. In doing so we put ourselves in the right place to raise our requests 'Supplications' to God and to to receive His solutions, recognise His plans and to play our part in bringing about change.

Christmas Changes Everything - Gifts - Andrew Beveridge - 10 Dec 23

In the third of our Advent series - 'Christmas Changes Everything' - Andrew looks at 'Gifts'.  Andrew asks - Why do we give Gifts? Why did the 'Wise men' bring gifts to the baby born in a manger? What do those gifts signify and say about the person to whom they were given? Each gift tells a story about who Jesus was, and was to become. Gold - for the King and ruler of the Kingdom of God. Frankincense - for the priest who intercedes (prays) for us and Myrrh - for the son of God who would sacrifice Himself for us, so that we can be in eternal relationship with God, His father.  At this time of Christmas Andy calls us to forget the trappings that confuse and hide the real meaning of Christ's Mass, Christ's birth, and to cling onto the truth that Christ came to set us free and allow that truth to sink deeply into our hearts and lives.

Christmas Changes Everything - The Surprise of Christmas - Jamie Watters - 3 Dec 23

In the second of our Advent series - 'Christmas Changes Everything' - Jamie looks at the Surprise of Christmas. We are all so familiar with the story of Christmas that sometimes we overlook the fact that events that surround the birth of Jesus is full of surprises. The nature and place of His birth, the society outcasts who were the first witnesses, and the way in which the creator of the universe chose to be born as a baby. They all speak to us of how we should relate to and value those who are on the margins of society, the homeless, the refugees, the outcasts. For as Jesus said - 'As you did for the least of these, so you did for me'.

Christmas Changes Everything - Fear Not - Jamie Watters - 26 Nov 23

In the first of our Advent series - 'Christmas Changes Everything' - Jamie tells us that we should 'Fear Not'. Fear, so often, is the thing that stops us doing what God is asking us to do. Fear of what others would think, fear of what others would say. Just as God told Mary and Joseph to 'Fear Not', He is telling us to trust Him, to 'Fear Not'. When God calls us to act, to do something, there is almost always a hurdle to overcome. Are we ready to face criticism for doing what God has called us to? Great moves of God always start with small acts of obedience. He is calling us to trust Him, step out in faith and to 'Fear Not', for he is with us, only then will we see God's hand at work and even greater things.

Making room for the new wine - Promises - Jamie Watters - 19 Nov 23

In this latest in our series 'Making way for the New Wine' - Jamie uses the story of Joshua and the conquest go the promised land to explore the subject of 'Promises'.  The promises of God are always an invitation that requires obedience to His plan and purposes to realise. Jamie identifies three pitfalls to avoid - looking back to the past - failing to move forward and giving up before the goal is reached. So many fail to fully receive and experience the realisation of God's promises for their lives because they fall into one or more of these traps. Jamie also identifies three essential activities that will help us all see God's promises fulfilled - discovering God's promise(s) for you in His word - leaning into and onto the Lord - stepping out in faith, trusting in God and allowing Him to show that His promises are true.

Making Room for New Wine - Power Evangelism - Jamie Watters - 12 Nov Oct 23

In the next talk in our series 'Making Room for the New Wine', Jamie discusses the subject of Power Evangelism. Throughout the gospels and the book of Acts we see the good news of the kingdom delivered along with demonstrations of the power of God to radically transform people's lives. We, as Christ's church, are called to continue the spreading of the gospel, not just with words, but through the power of the kingdom. To transform people's situations, through radical divine appointments orchestrated by God, and to confront and defeat the enemy and his demonic forces.

Making room for the new wine - Hearts of Compassion - Peter Fowler - 5 Nov 23

In this latest in our series 'Making way for the New Wine' - Peter explores God's plan to give us 'Hearts of Compassion'. Everything the God does flows from His own Heart of Compassion for His creation, and the men and women He created in His image. Knowing what God has done for us, and the love He has for us is the starting point for all that we do. God is always working around us. He calls us to see what He is doing and to get involved in these things; not when we have time, nor when we're not too busy or preoccupied - but when He calls, when we see Him at work.

All Age Service - Lessons from Jonah - Teeny Finlay - 29 Oct 23

For our October All Age Service - Teeny shares some lessons from the story of Jonah. In a fun packed talk - Teeny dives into the story of Jonah to find that Jonah was just like we can be - stubborn, scared and making questionable choices. While our bad choices may not get us swallowed by a big fish for three days, it is always much better to do things God's way. That way we will get to see God's great plan in action in our lives.

Making Room for new Wine - Embrace Change - Mikey Macintosh - 22 Oct 23

In this talk in the series 'Making Room for the New Wine', Mikey reminds us that we need to 'Embrace Change'. God loves us so much that He sent His son to die for us, not so that we can stay as we are but to be transformed into His likeness; that involves change. Mikey asked the question 'What are you building?'  What are we building on top of the foundations of our salvation? Is it with 'gold, silver and jewels'? Things that will last for eternity. Or is it with 'wood, hay or straw'? Things that have no eternal value and will perish in the flames.

Are we focussing on careers, family, homes? Not bad things in themselves, but if they are our focus rather than doing what God is calling us to, then we risk seeing our work have no eternal value. We risk finding that we have lost much more than we have gained. Mt 16:24-25. Following Jesus is not meant to be easy, but it is meant to be worth it. Mt 10:29-30.

Making Room for new Wine - Power and Authority - Jamie Watters - 15 Oct 23

In this talk in the series 'Making Room for the New Wine', Jamie looks at 'Power and Authority'. To be effective ministers of the Good New of the Kingdom we need to recognise the authority we have been given (Mat 28:18) and the power that comes though the Holy Spirit. God is continually working around us and wants us to get involved in what He is doing. Just as Jesus could only do what He saw the Father doing, we need to recognise God presence, learn to see what he is doing and co-operate with Him, adapting our models of ministry to His plans rather than the other way around.

Jamie also addressed the issue of anointing; how a gathering or worshipping believers creates a corporate anointing that allows God to move more, how believers gathered around an anointed leader can operate at an elevated level of anointing that can fade with time and distance, and how we all need to develop our own relationship with Jesus and learn to operate with our own anointing, if we are to see God accomplish all He wants to do through us.

Making Room for new Wine - Public Faith - Jamie Watters - 8 Oct 23

In this talk in the series 'Making Room for the New Wine', Jamie looks at Public Faith, or as some might call it Evangelism. While our faith and our relationship with God is personal, it is not meant to be private. We are called to be culture shapers, not culture survivors and to live our lives boldly. People in Glasgow need to hear the good news of the Kingdom and see heaven's solutions to today's problems. God is calling us to be His witnesses and kingdom bringers where we are. Are you available, do you believe and are you willing to step out to change the world one life at a time?

Making Room for new Wine - Honour - Jamie Watters - 1 Oct 23

In this next in our series 'Making Room for the New Wine' - Jamie discusses the subject of Honour. Honouring God and honouring each other is essential if we are to see God's kingdom supernaturally invade our church and our communities. As Mark 6:1-5 tells us, even Jesus was severely restricted in what He could do in His hometown by being dishonoured by His family and those who knew Him. Rather than be quick to take offence and see the worst in people, God calls us to a higher standard - Seeing God's image and goodness in all we meet and giving honour, even to the weakest and least.

Making Room for new Wine - Servanthood - Jamie Watters - 24 Sep 23

In this next talk in our new series - Making room for the New Wine - Jamie talks about Servanthood. Servanthood and making room in our lives to do what God wants us to do, is a vital part of following Jesus. Jesus came in the form of a servant. He served by being obedient to His Father and by loving and serving, meeting the needs, of those he met. We are not called to position or status, we are called, like Jesus, to wash each other's feet. To adjust our priorities and attitudes to meet the needs of others and by doing so show them the love of the kingdom in action.

making Room for new Wine - Are You Ready? - Jamie Watters - 17 Sep 23

In this first in our new series 'New Wine' - Jamie asks 'Are You Ready?' Are we ready to change the way we do things to make room for God to bring the harvest? As Jesus said in Luke 5 'No one pours new wine into old wineskins'. Jesus brought the new wine of the kingdom and the religious leaders were unable to accept His message because they were trapped by their inflexibility. God wants to bring renewal to His church and revival to our city and nation. Are we willing to change, or do we expect Him to move according to our plans? The change starts by knowing God and seeking His presence and allowing Him to fill us again by the new wine of the kingdom.